Are you planning your kid’s birthday party for the very first time? The first thing we will tell you is that hosting a kids birthday party is not for the weak of heart. It will require some planning and a whole of patience. However, in the end, it will be worth it because your kid only turns 6 or 10 once.
So what should you do to survive planning a kids birthday party? While every parent will have their own strategy depending on the size and theme of the party, here are five recommendations you should consider to keep your faculties intact:
Do Not Host the Party at Your House: Hosting the party at your home is a rookie mistake. If you can afford it, we would highly suggest that you hold the party at another location. Have you ever tried to clean up after dozens of children? It’s no fun. Start looking at birthday party venues as soon as you figure out a date.
Consider the Venue Very Closely: If you choose the right event venue, half the work is done for you. Consider event venues that are age-appropriate and work well with the theme of your party. For example, if you know your kid loves whales or other animals, why not hold the party at an aquarium or a zoo. Also, be sure to look up reviews and consult with other parents on where they held their kids’ parties.
Keep the Party Short: A kids birthday party should not be an all-day affair. You’ll lose the room if you make the party longer than three hours. Plan to have some time for play or games, some time for eating/opening gifts, and more time in the end for additional playtime. Your mantra should always be keep it simple.
You Don’t Need to Have an Elaborate Meal: Remember: keep it simple. Pizza is fine, but you can definitely get by with snacks in addition to cake. Think about what kids like and go with those. Our favorites include chips, pretzels, candy, yogurt, and cupcakes.
Breathe and Have Fun: While it might seem stressful in the moment, just remember that birthday parties are supposed to be fun. Be sure to share some laughs with your kid as well as you celebrate the big milestone.